Horizontal Tube Falling Film Evaporator for produced water
Evaporators are becoming very popular for effluent treatment as liquid wastes with various types of pollution can be successfully evaporated.
Use of Horizontal Tube Falling Film (HTFF) in which Entropie has 40+ years extensive experience leads to wide CAPEX reduction as well as installation costs saving compared to vertical evaporation alternative. HTFF evaporators are especially suitable for concentration of water with low hardness and high salinity.
The resulting high quality condensate provides large water quantities for reuse in the process or other applications such as cleaning purposes.
The pollution is concentrated in very low volumes and thus the cost of disposal is considerably reduced.
Applications are :
Concentration of produced water in oil fields downstream softening system
Concentration of low hardness industrial waste water
- Concentration of NaCl brine

Horizontal Tube Falling Film can cope with heat coming from either hot fluid or steam (MED / MED-TVC technologies). Electrical power source can also be used with the MVC technology.
Typical applications :
- Reduced Hardness feed (Ca / Mg < 1ppm)
- Silica, suspended solids, organics are accepted in feed up to certain limits
- Typical concentration factor (CF)=50
- Applications : reduction of rejects and reuse of distillate
Benefits of Horizontal Evaporator
- High CF compared to RO solutions
- Possibility to operate at high temperature compared to RO
- Lower CAPEX compared to vertical tube falling film
- Lower erection costs compared to vertical tube falling film
- Lower weight due to reduced heat transfer surface and tube wall thickness compared to VTFF
- Lower transportation costs due to high packing capacity of horizontal configuration compared to VTFF
- Possibility to deliver skid mounted units (lower weight of evaporator, top of the evaporator at a smaller elevation)